Case against IDA struck out

An action taken by the English promoters of a Co Kilkenny-based card printing company against the Industrial Development Authority…

An action taken by the English promoters of a Co Kilkenny-based card printing company against the Industrial Development Authority for more than £2 million (€2.54 million) in damages for alleged misrepresentation was struck out at the High Court yesterday.

The 12-day hearing ended when counsel for the four British directors of Card Technology International Limited announced to the court that the case had been settled on the basis that the claim be struck out and no order be made as to costs.

The action was taken by Mr John Pryke and his wife Anne, of Clopton, Suffolk; Mr Pryke's father, Victor, of Hadleigh Road, Ipswich, Suffolk; and Mr Jeremy Adam, of Redhill Grange, Wellingborough.

They claimed their company, which was based at the Industrial and Business Park at Purcellsinch, Co Kilkenny had collapsed in December 1995 due to alleged negligent misrepresentation by the IDA that the premises was suitable and that skilled print workers were available in the area.


The IDA denied any such misrepresentation and pleaded that the business failure was due to the mismanagement of the promoters.

A spokesman for IDA Ireland said the case had been withdrawn. It is understood the agency made no payment to the plaintiffs.