IN A number of offices around Dublin and further afield, the main item on the agenda is the upcoming report from the Moriarty tribunal.
Anxious parties waiting to hear what tribunal chairman Mr Justice Michael Moriarty has to say about them don’t know when the report will be published, although it could be as early as next week. Mostly likely the parties involved will only find out on the day of publication.
The report will, of course, have a particular interest for the Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources as the chairman’s findings in relation to the 1995 mobile phone licence competition will be the big ticket item.
The project team that ran the competition was comprised mostly of civil servants from the communications department.
However, it is understood that in recent times it has been brought to the attention of the tribunal that the team included officials from the Department of Finance.
So that’s another office that will be awaiting with particular interest the publication of the judge’s findings.