AIB takes the DIRT stand

Interest rate worries will continue to draw the focus of nervous markets, especially in Britain and the US

Interest rate worries will continue to draw the focus of nervous markets, especially in Britain and the US. In Dublin, however, traders will have some diversion as they listen to the evidence of AIB executives on DIRT evasion to the sub-committee of the Committee of Public Accounts.

Bank of Ireland chiefs will also be saying their piece this week, but that is likely to be only the hors d'oeuvres for main course from AIB, which has been at the centre of the storm from the outset.

Tesco: Tesco is expected to report a robust boost in interim pre-tax profits tomorrow - forecast to come in at £395 million sterling (€617 million), up from £371 million, pushed ahead by strong sales growth and increased selling space.

The market will be interested in any response Tesco may give to the recent merger of French retailers Carrefour and Promodes.



Results: Agfa-Gevaert (H1), Bell Group (H1), Benchmark Group (H1), BNP (H1), Community Hosp, Dowding & Mills, Lehman Brothers (Q3), Manganese Bronze, News Communications & Media, Parkwood Holdings (H1), Peptide Therapeutics (H1), Roxboro (H1), SAI (H1), Sapec (H1), T&S Stores (H1), TF1 (H1), Unite Group (H1).

A.G.M.: Baring Emerging, Cooley Distillery, Gartmore Emerging (e.g.m.), GT Japan Investment, Murray Global Return.

Meetings: Intel chairman Dr Andrew Grove speaks on "Destination Internet Economy" (Dublin Castle)

Indicators: British building society figures (Aug), motor vehicle production (Aug) and M4 (Aug provisional) and M0 (Aug final) figures.

Others: New Eurostoxx 50 index comes into effect; UN publishes trade and development report; Fine Gael unveils new tax policy; British Liberal Democrats annual conference (to Thurs).


Results: African Gold, Allied London Properties, Amey (H1), Arcolectric Holdings (H1), Britax Int'l (H1), CarboneLorrain (H1), CFE (H1), Corone-Lotus (H1), Electrabel (H1), French Connection (H1), Frogmore Estates, Hennes & Mauritz (Q3), Lexia (H1), Medion, Miller Fisher (H1), Ring, Rugby Group (H1), Secure Trust Banking (H1), Soco Int'l (H1), Tesco (H1).

Meetings: World Bank/IMF annual meeting (to September 30th).

Indicators: Central Bank publishes autumn bulletin, industrial turnover (May), public sector average earnings (Mar) and wholesale price index (Aug); US international trade (Jul) and imports/exports (Jul); Japanese leading indicators (Jul); French trade balance (Jul); German ifo survey (Sep).

Others: Dublin Chamber of Commerce annual dinner (Burlington Hotel, Dublin).


Results: Alliance Unichem (H1), Axis-Shield (H1), Barratt Developments, Bernard Matthews (H1), Bertelsmann, Bouygues (H1), Brake Bros (H1), Canal Plus (H1), Distrigaz (H1), ERC Frankona, Imetal (H1), Kier Group, McBride, Natexis (H1), Quality Software Products (H1), Rapala, St James's Palace (H1), Usinor (H1).

Meetings: OPEC ministerial meeting (Vienna); Bank of France monetary policy council.

Indicators: US Beige Book; British GDP (Q2), balance of payments (Q2).

Others: Pricing of shares in Trintech flotation; British monetary policy committee releases minutes of September meeting.


Results: Amstrad, Clinton Cards (H1), Cox Insurance (H1), Exchange Holdings (H1), Groupe GTM (H1), Hewden Stuart (H1), IAWS, Intelligent Environments (H1), Lafarge (H1) (H1), Premier Oil (H1), Sabca (H1), Sita (H1).

Meetings: ECB governing council meeting; ESRI special seminar "The Irish Economy: Then, Now and Next" by Dr Terry Baker; IAIM conference on funding of public sector pensions (Westbury Hotel, Dublin); Dublin Chamber of Commerce monthly lunch meeting addressed by Mr Owen Lamont, managing director of NTL Ireland.

Indicators: British world trade (Jul), non-EU trade (Aug) and CBI industrial trends survey (Sep); German producer prices (Sep).

Others: Trintech share allocation announced.


Results: AVH (H1), Bioglan Pharmaceuticals (H1), British Borneo (H1), Electrafina (H1), HachetteFillip. (H1), Nestle (H1), Rocla (H1), Roularta (H1), Tractabel (H1).

Indicators: Irish industrial disputes (Q2) and retail sales (Jul provisional/ Jun final).

Others: Function to mark formation of North South Legal Alliance; Upper house of German parliament holds meeting on budget for 2000.