No doubt some of the high jinks on Hallowe'en had our more settled citizens berating the behaviour of today's youngsters. And it was ever so, judging by a highly revealing item which I have seen in a marvellous "Suggestions Book", belonging to Killiney GC.
On March 9th, 1924, a beleagured associate by the name of Lucinda, made this cri de coeur. "Five caddies were in their hut and all refused to go out (with me)," she wrote. "They were all disengaged. I asked the caddie-master to get me one. He argued with all the caddies present, in vain. When I was putting on the ninth green, caddies openly jeered my bad play and said among themselves that I paid them too badly to be able to secure their services.
"When I left the club, they stood close to my car in the lane and made rude comments about me aloud. The names given by the caddie-master of the caddies complained of on this occasion are: (five names supplied)." Lucinda concluded: "I always pay at least 8d (3.3 pence in today's money) for nine holes and 1s 1d (5.4 pence) for 18 holes to Paddy Brown. And I pay extra for cleaning of clubs." The entry was officially marked "For committee's consideration." And there, one suspects, the matter ended, while the scamps went in search of another victim.