JOHN TREACY, the Olympic silver medalist and former world cross country champion, last night launched a nationwide series of public meetings intended to canvass the views of clubs and organisations aimed at guiding the future development of sport in Ireland.
In his capacity as chairman of the Sports Strategy Group, Treacy plans to examine different areas and to make recommendations on the future role of sport.
The group intends to present the report to the Minister for Sport, Bernard Allen, in October. Last night's meeting was held in Dublin City University with further meetings scheduled for City Hall, Waterford (May 27th) Imperial Hotel, Cork (May 28th) University of Limerick (May 29th) UCG (May 30th) Sligo Business Centre (May 31st) Town Hall, Dundalk (June 5th) Bridged House, Tullamore (June 6th). All meetings take place at 7 p.m.