McGrath signs one-year contract

PAUL MCGRATH has ended the uncertainty surrounding his future at Villa Park by agreeing to sign the new one year deal offered…

PAUL MCGRATH has ended the uncertainty surrounding his future at Villa Park by agreeing to sign the new one year deal offered to him by Aston Villa manager Brian Little.

The 36 year old had been linked with a possible move to Japan, a link up with Frank Stapleton at the New England Revolution or a move to Tranmere as John Aldridge's assistant.

McGrath has, however, always maintained that he wished to keep on playing at the highest level for as long as possible and, after a wonderful season leading Villa's three man defence in a team that won the League Cup at Wembley, he has been rewarded with an extension to his Premiership career.

"I've never been happier than I've been at Villa this year," said McGrath after the announcement of the deal while Villa manager Little remarked "He has been a fantastic servant to this club and I am very pleased that he has decided to stay with us".


The money involved in the new deal will be based on the number of appearances the veteran international makes and the final details of the agreement should be wrapped up in time for McGrath to sign the contract ahead of returning home to Dublin this weekend.

The news will be welcomed by Irish manager Mick McCarthy for whom McGrath's continued involvement in a leading Premiership outfit will be a considerable bonus but McCarthy also suffered a couple of disappointments yesterday.

Manchester United's Denis Irwin and Jason McAteer of Liverpool were both withdrawn from the forthcoming series of friendlies at Landsowne Road due, in both cases, to knee injuries. The pair join Phil Babb on the injured list for these games although it is not yet certain whether McAteer will be fit again in time to travel with the Irish team to the United States.

Irwin had already indicated his intention to skip that trip while Steve Staunton, Andy Townsend, McGrath, Gary Kelly and Babb will all be absent from the travelling party.

Emmet Malone

Emmet Malone

Emmet Malone is Work Correspondent at The Irish Times