Groan of the week

Daily Mirror writer Liam Diputs had a right chuckle at the Daily Mail's expense last Wednesday when he accused them of falling…

Daily Mirror writer Liam Diputs had a right chuckle at the Daily Mail's expense last Wednesday when he accused them of falling for "one of the doziest football hoaxes in memory". It seems that a fax arrived at the Mail's office claiming that hypnotist Daniel Tolomacs was close to curing Dennis Bergkamp's fear of flying. "If the sleepwalking hacks at the cobweb-covered newspaper . . . had bothered to read the surname carefully, they would have realised that Tolomacs was, in fact, "Scam-OLot" in reverse, giggled Liam, whose name, we were helpfully told, spelt Stupid Mail backwards. Oh dear. Lads? Pu worg.