Woman leads in Easter faith

The Easter landscape gladdens the eye and lifts the heart. Cardinal Basil Hume calls us to deeper awareness

The Easter landscape gladdens the eye and lifts the heart. Cardinal Basil Hume calls us to deeper awareness. "The discovery that Wordsworth was able to sense the presence of God in nature quite transformed my attitude to all created things ... the poet described, in enthralling terms, that nature could disclose the presence of God. Such experiences are like shafts of light breaking through the cloud that separates us from the vision of God." We reflect, in grateful prayer with the psalmist, with Francis and Clare of Assisi and with our own Joseph Mary Plunkett: "All pathways by Christ's feet are trod."

We open the Gospel anew and make our pilgrim way in Resurrection joy. We stand with Mary Magdalen beside the empty tomb, and join in this day's cry of Christian hope:

"The Lord is risen, Alleluia!

He is truly risen, Alleluia!"


As springtime stirs the dormant earth so we are awakened to newness of life. Pilate had certified that Jesus indeed had died. A mighty stone protected the sealed and guarded tomb. Roman soldiers kept strict watch. But the faithful women in fitful light of dawn find the stone rolled back - not to allow the Risen Lord of glory to emerge but that we might gaze within. As in all apocalyptic scripture we have interpreting angels to guide us. "Why seek for the living among the dead? He is not here. He has risen!"

We go with Mary Magdalen, as she leads Peter and John in early morning darkness to the empty tomb. John went in. He saw, and in his love believed. As yet it appeared that Peter wavered. Neither had yet absorbed the Scripture truth that the Redeemer must rise from the dead. They went back home. But Mary stood her ground and shed tears of sorrow that she could not finish the anointing task of duty and of love. The white-robed angels were about to guide and comfort. The Risen Master came Himself to lighten her darkness and reveal the mystery. "Woman why do you weep? For whom do you seek?" She thought it was the gardener and confided her courageous resolve. Jesus called her by her name: "Mary!"

All darkness was now gone. She was given her sacred assignment as Apostle of the Apostles. "I have not yet ascended to the Father. Go now and tell my Brothers that I am returning to Him who is my Father, and their Father, my God and their God!"

So Mary Magdalen went and told the disciples that she had seen the Lord and related to them all He had told to her. We will never know in fullness the extent of the task entrusted to this heroic woman. St Dominic, after much prayer and reflection, chose her as patron of all women and men who would be asked to transmit redeeming truth. She shines as a beacon of radiant light across our Easter Scripture and our prayer made new.

We draw strength from Scripture word, in heartfelt prayer and in Easter Sacrament. With the poet we ask that we may truly live: Give me Faith That I may be Alive when April's Ecstasy Dances in every White thorn tree (Patrick Kavanagh)

"Stay with us Lord because it is towards evening and the day is now far spent." We go forward in Resurrection hope and joy and with resolve made new.

Loving Father ...

Every Easter you rekindle the faith of your consecrated people

Give us still greater grace,

So that we may truly understand the waters in which we were cleansed,

The Spirit in whom we are re-born,

The Blood by which we are redeemed.

We make our Prayer through Christ our Lord Amen. Alleluia.
