This week they said

Quotes of the week past

Quotes of the week past

I have come here to seek a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world, based on mutual interest and mutual respect. – President Barack Obama speaking in Cairo University.

There was Warner Bros – now there's Canto Bros. – Eric Cantona on setting up a film production company with his brothers.

I now believe your continued leadership makes a Conservative victory more not less likely. – Work and pensions secretary James Purnell in his resignation letter to British prime minister Gordon Brown.


He never dwelt on what went before. He wasn't into going over past glories. Tomorrow was what mattered. His motto was to never stop learning . . . and never be content with second best. – Trainer Vincent O'Brien's son Charles delivering the eulogy at his father's funeral in Newbridge, Co Kildare.

In the coming age of scarcity, the prosperity or ruin of the Irish economy pivots on the speed that we can become energy independent. The Greens get it, so does Obama. – Eddie Hobbs endorses the Greens.