This Week They Said

For us, there were no flowers, no cards, nothing.

For us, there were no flowers, no cards, nothing.

- Paddy O'Brien, 1974 Dublin bomb victim, contrasts the treatment of himself and others with that of the Warrington bomb victims

Hell, I'm no actor, and I've got 28 pictures and a scrapbook of reviews to prove it.

- The film star Victor Mature, who has died, after the secretary of a country club turned him down for membership on the grounds they didn't accept actors


Ireland was a good place, and many tears were shed when we left. But Kosovo is my home, and the place for my family.

- Murtex Demiri, on his return to Kosovo with his family

Our prison overtime is out of line with the rest of the world. We are haemorrhaging money.

- The head of the new in- dependent Prison Authority, Sean Aylward

They had one advantage over all the other parties. They knew they were loonies.

- Astronomer Patrick Moore, of the Monster Raving Loony Party

Alas, not on merit. But because the senior lavatory cleaner escaped, so I filled his shoes.

- Jonathan Aitken on his pro- motion in prison from junior to senior lavatory cleaner

I visited the president, and he signed a decree on my resignation. He thanked me for good work - and fired me.

- Sergei Stepashin, Russia's former prime minister

The train robbery was the masterpiece that I had always wanted to paint. I still consider it a masterpiece, but a flawed masterpiece.

- Great Train Robber Bruce Reynolds at Ronnie Biggs's birthday bash in Rio

The INLA has a reputation for splitting and it will be interesting to see over the next couple of days if they will issue a statement speaking as one group or whether we will see a "Real INLA" or "Continuity INLA" emerge.

- A UDP spokesman responding to the INLA's declaration that its war is over

There has . . . been speculation about the recent killing of Charles Bennett. Let us emphasise that there have been no breaches of the IRA cessation, which remains intact.

- IRA statement

Your head did not turn in the road if a black woman passed because they were badly dressed, probably overweight and probably had a lousy job.

- The novelist Jeffrey Archer, in an interview with Spectrum Radio, London, which is widely listened to by ethnic minorities

We insist that we and Syria are in one trench, we and Egypt and Jordan are in one trench.

- Yasser Arafat, the Palestinian leader, responding to criticism from the Syrian Defence Minister

The fact they have returned sends out a clear message that life will go on as normal and we will not be deterred by the actions of the bombers. Had the Spaniards not returned, then their absence would have been felt by the whole community.

- Father Shane Bradley, on the return of three Spanish students one year after they were caught up in the Omagh bomb

Consider for a moment his family who are not here and who are wondering what is happening. During that quiet moment let us ask that God of ours to welcome Walter and find a place for him.

- Father Gerry Carey, of Walter van Dael, the Belgian national who was attacked and killed in Ennis. Mr van Dael's family had declined to reclaim his body