Weighing up the Croke Park deal

Sir, – Reading the thought-provoking article by Dr Eddie Molloy (Opinion, September 7th) put me in mind of Gandhi’s saying, “…

Sir, – Reading the thought-provoking article by Dr Eddie Molloy (Opinion, September 7th) put me in mind of Gandhi’s saying, “There is always enough for the needy but never enough for the greedy.” While not wishing to single out the public service in particular, all our public servants do have a specific responsibility and interest in upholding the healthy functioning of the State’s institutions.

The West will never see a return to the type of growth of the past decades so we all have a duty to see that Ireland’s more than adequate wealth is shared out wisely and in as fair a manner as possible.

The biblical story of the miracle of the loaves and fishes was not about conjuring up loaves and fishes out of thin air, but rather shows that when everybody shared what they had there was not only enough for everybody but there were baskets of leftovers. – Yours, etc,




Co Kerry.

Sir, – Our Government ministers have recently been queuing up to declare that, as people of decency and integrity, they will honour the Croke Park deal until it finishes in 2014. However, they choose to forget that, on taking up office, they proceeded to break virtually every promise they made to the electorate pre-election (Labour’s way or Frankfurt’s, not another red cent for banks, no third level fees, etc). Notwithstanding that spending has already exceeded income by €11 billion in the first eight months of this year, they are not to be questioned on this insiders’ pact, which the majority of people in this country believe should be abandoned. Yes, great leadership from honourable people. Exactly what we need. – Yours, etc,



Pine Valley Avenue,


Dublin 16.

Sir, – As an OAP, I am in despair at what this Government, with the trade unions, are doing to this country in continuing with the Croke Park agreement.

This Government is decimating our society. €1 billion borrowed every month helps bolster the consultants, CEO’s, trade union leaders, and ministers’ “expenses”, “allowances”, and pensions. It does not reach those in greatest need.

Is there anyone in Government with integrity and courage, to reassess the Croke Park Agreement? Read Clause 1.28 of the agreement.

Will it take more than the grey brigade? The camping of the dis-abled outside the Dáil? All we ask for is fairness and justice. – Yours, etc,



Co Wicklow.