Sir, - I am sure your readers will remember the Telecom Eireann "Drunken Poles" furore a few short years ago

Sir, - I am sure your readers will remember the Telecom Eireann "Drunken Poles" furore a few short years ago. Well, now we are led to believe they are going straight.

Telecom/Eireann/Esat proposes to erect a new forest of steel towers throughout Ireland. Just because Telecom couldn't erect straight poles throughout the country is no reason to believe that the proposed towers will bend to the whims of local grassroot objections. Of course we should all be reassured by these engineering teams when they tell us that there is no danger from the radiation emitted from the towers. Not!!!

The towers will probably become part of the landscape in a few years, just like Eiffel's did in Paris. Hundreds of Eiffels all over Ireland. The mind boggles. Telecommunicators, think again.

-Yours etc.,



Co. Sligo.