Taxis In Dublin

Sir, - Alas, the taxi saga drags on. I am still fascinated by the arrogance of the 2,500 Dublin taxi drivers

Sir, - Alas, the taxi saga drags on. I am still fascinated by the arrogance of the 2,500 Dublin taxi drivers. The vast majority of Dublin people are sick and tired of a lousy, undependable service run by a band of self-serving individuals who have no idea what service means.

It would do the average taxi-driver good to travel to any European city and experience a taxi service as it should be. Taxis are readily available, clean and punctual. The driver will be well turned out and will not strive to impose his version of the world on the passenger.

The effect of the eventual full deregulation of taxi services will be an industry where those who offer a quality service will survive and prosper. The industry is concerned that the extra plates will affect the artificial price of taxi-plate transfers. The high price of privately traded taxi plates is a direct result of the "closed shop" operated by the taxi industry over the past 20 years. There are no grounds for compensation here! It is quite obvious that the high price people were paying for taxi plates shows the high level of earning potential.

I, like many other Dubliners, do not consider taxis as a reliable mode of regular transport. At night-time a nominated driver or abstinence are the choices. When the level of service improves many more people will use taxis. One hopes that a new generation of drivers will emerge with the introduction of the new plates.


More power to you, Bobby Molloy! - Yours, etc.,

Kevin Monahan, Drury Street, Dublin.