'Taking the Government out of power'

Madam, – As an IBOA member of over 40 years standing who has long been a fan of Larry Broderick and who has benefited from his…

Madam, – As an IBOA member of over 40 years standing who has long been a fan of Larry Broderick and who has benefited from his leadership as both an ordinary member and in relation to personal employment issues, I cannot let his comments concerning “taking the Government out of power” (Home News, December 17th) go unchallenged.

The IBOA was set up in 1917 as a non-party, non-sectarian organisation to represent and safeguard the interests of ordinary bank officials. To my knowledge, nowhere in its constitution or ethos was it envisaged that its representatives or leadership would engage or involve themselves in such clearly political activity as “taking out” a government.

The right to engage in political activity in a private capacity is, of course, a different matter. – Yours, etc,


The Warren,


Co Roscommon.