Tackling abuse of alcohol

Madam - Marion Rackard (March 26th) has commented on Brian O'Connell's account of the effects of sustained alcohol abuse on …

Madam - Marion Rackard (March 26th) has commented on Brian O'Connell's account of the effects of sustained alcohol abuse on his life, (March 22nd). Over a long number of years professional people in the front line have identified the serious problems our society has to deal with in addressing chronic sustained alcohol abuse. We can see it in refuges of domestic violence, our prisons, A&Es, courts, our bed occupancy in both psychiatric and medical units and our anti-social behaviour. In every town and city we see the "brown paper bags" in our doorways, our back alleys and streets.

There are thousands of men and women who are struggling Brian O'Connells, struggling on a daily basis to overcome their chronic addictions. How many figures and statistics do we need before our legislators begin to confront the issues in a positive and determined manner? The National Alcohol Strategy must ensure that alcohol carry a health warning and also that a health levy be administered to those bodies addressing the issues identified.

- Yours, etc,

SAM CLEERE, Chairperson, Breadline (Working with Street Drinkers), Waterford.