Sir, I have read with interest your features and responses to the subject of ME printed over the past week, and as a sufferer from this scourge for over ten years my initial reaction to Mr. William Holmes's conclusions was feeling aghast that a medical consultant could appear to be so callous and indifferent towards those unfortunate enough to succumb to this dreadful malady. However, on reflection I felt bound to concede that he has made a few valid points which support some views I have held about ME for about eight years now. But because of my own personal experiences I must vehemently disagree with him on others.
I have made a study of this complaint for those eight years, and during that time I have visited and been visited by over 300 sufferers ranging in age from seven years to 75. They have been of both sexes in almost equal numbers. Most, if not all, of them have undergone intensive medical examination and have then been told by their doctors or consultant that they can find no clinical reason for their illness. Many, including myself, have been referred on to psychiatrists and psychologists all to no avail, but after a great deal of distress caused by being used virtually as guinea pigs for the trial and error testing of a range of drugs by people who, I am sorry to say, did not seem to have the faintest notion of what they were prescribing them for.
fully agree with Mr Holmes that there does not appear to be any clinical or pathological test to establish the cause of ME. I also agree that sufferers almost with exception look the picture of health and they eat like horses, but I most certainly do not agree that they are psychologically or psychiatrically disturbed. Indeed the contrary would appear to be the case, and the vast majority of those I have seen would appear to be exceptionally stable people displaying high levels of intelligence and comprehension.
My conclusion after these g years of intensive study of ME sufferers is that the titles Myalgic, Encephalomylitis (ME) and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) are complete misnomers, as in no way do they encompass the horrors faced daily by the victims. In fact, not words or acronyms could possibly describe what sufferers; go through. I know because I was there and, up to a point, I still am.
May I say that my investigations have led me to conclude that ME, or whatever you like to call it, lies outside the normal parameters of conventional or alternative medicine. Its cause may even be outside the limits of present scientific knowledge, but this cause, and I believe it is an infliction rather than an affliction, is causing untold hardship and suffering to more and more unfortunate victims every year. They need medical practitioners like Mr. Holmes every bit as much as they need ME.
As stated earlier, I have spent a great deal of time researching this subject, all at my own expense I am pleased to say, and I have reached some very definitive conclusions which unfortunately would require a great deal of space to expound. These conclusions are based on my experiences and those of many others I have spoken to. However, should any of your readers, and I include both professionals and sufferers, be interested in my views on this matter, please contact me at (01) 8315466 any morning before 10 a.m. or most evenings between 6 p.m. and 7.30 p.m. Yours, etc.,
48 Cill Eanna, Raheny,
Dublin 5.