Social Workers And Adoption

Sir, - As an adult adoptee, I read Prof Casey's article with great interest

Sir, - As an adult adoptee, I read Prof Casey's article with great interest. I have long since felt dismay that coverage of the issue of adoption and related matters has had a tendency to be negative in tone with little on offer to encourage the active consideration of adoption as a possible outcome to an unplanned pregnancy.

This tendency has been further compounded by the lack of post-adoption support services for birth parents and adoptees. Without the empowerment of both of these groups of people, for whom adoption is an everyday reality, the voices with the most compelling and, hopefully, positive stories will never be heard.

I therefore welcome the call of Patricia Casey for the testimony of both these groups to be heard, and to be heard in a positive manner. There are many stories to be told and much encouragement and comfort to be both gained and given. An outlet for these very personal, individual and yet somehow shared stories is needed. As Prof Casey suggests, the media have a crucial part to play in this. By highlighting the positive aspects of modern adoption, they could play a great role in its establishment as a positive alternative. - Yours, etc.,

Adele Flynn,



Douglas Road,
