Shortage of seats in the city

Madam, - Dublin's city fathers are to be commended on the numerous improvements and embellishments to a number of the capital…

Madam, - Dublin's city fathers are to be commended on the numerous improvements and embellishments to a number of the capital's main thoroughfares. There is, however, one substantial omission - oversight, perhaps - which becomes strikingly obvious on one's return from cities abroad. Being no longer a teenager, I felt it keenly myself during the recent very humid weather. That is the lack of places to sit and rest for the citizenry, whether these latter belong to the aged and decrepit or are one of the exhausted "shop-till-you -drop" brigade.

The tree-lined area directly opposite the GPO seems an admirable place to locate some essential seating. I hope this cri de coeur will not remain unanswered. - Yours, etc,

J. DOLAN, Clontarf, Dublin 3.