RTE Weather Forecasts

Sir, - The weather forecast is one of the few RTE TV programmes where you have to switch on your mind, put it in gear and pay…

Sir, - The weather forecast is one of the few RTE TV programmes where you have to switch on your mind, put it in gear and pay attention. We get an absorbing two-minute blitz of analysis, interpretation, deduction and prediction - a mental exercise well above the usual "chewinggum-for-the-mind" TV. Although the presentation is pitched at about Junior Cert geography level, this still appears to be too high for some arts-educated Montrose mandarins.

The synoptic charts and their presentation by professional meteorologists ensures that we get not only what the weather is likely to be but also why it should be so. This allows one to interpret the evolving weather patterns over the following 24 hours.

On this issue, we should leave well enough alone. - Yours, etc.,

Con O'Rourke,


Park Lane,


Dublin 4.