Response To Terrorist Attacks

Sir, - I utterly reject Angela Macnamara's suggestion (November 15th) that the recent terrorist attacks somehow fitted into a…

Sir, - I utterly reject Angela Macnamara's suggestion (November 15th) that the recent terrorist attacks somehow fitted into a divine plan for the universe. Her whole emphasis is on the message for the rest of us in these awful events. But this (unjust) plan has innocent victims, e.g. the slaughtered in the twin towers and their heartbroken families, the thousands (including children) buried or swept away in natural disasters, etc. Mrs Macnamara's rambling analysis is all too trite, cosy and unfeeling.

Where is God in all these situations? And where are the guardian angels? - Yours, etc.,

Oliver McGrane, Marley Avenue, Rathfarnham, Dublin 16.