Reporting the Murphy trial

Madam, - I would like to express my horror and disdain about the reporting in our newspapers in relation to those on trial for…

Madam, - I would like to express my horror and disdain about the reporting in our newspapers in relation to those on trial for the manslaughter of Brian Murphy.

The trial and its outcome does not justify the intrusion into the affairs of the families of those concerned. Who they are, what they own, or where they live is immaterial to the tragedy which occurred, and must only have added to the distress of those involved.

While your own paper has not lowered itself to the level of Independent newspaper group, it was not appropiate to almost fill Saturday's paper with the level of comment re the people involved, etc.

We clearly need a press council to differentiate between freedom of the press, and persecution by the press. - Yours, etc.,



Stillorgan Grove,


Co Dublin.