Raid On Rory O Bradaigh

A chara - In your report on the recent Special Branch raid on my home (The Irish Times, October 3rd) my comment on the motivation…

A chara - In your report on the recent Special Branch raid on my home (The Irish Times, October 3rd) my comment on the motivation for it is paraphrased as my "opposition to the peace process and continued refusal to accept British rule in Ireland".

To my mind that summary does not represent my position and that of Republican Sinn Fein, as it conveys the impression that we are opposed to peace in Ireland, while in fact the opposite is true.

What I did say was that the harassment was due to my "determined advocacy down the years of an alternative strategy to permanent peace in Ireland based on a new federation of the four provinces and maximum devolution of power following British disengagement".

That of course runs counter to official policy in London, Dublin and Washington, but then we do not, unlike the former Tory defence minister Alan Clarke, seek a short-term peace of 20 years. - Is mise,


Republican Sinn Fein, Parnell Street, Dublin 1.