Presidential Inauguration

Sir, - Although President McAleese was not my first-preference choice in the election, I do wish her well in her undertakings…

Sir, - Although President McAleese was not my first-preference choice in the election, I do wish her well in her undertakings and she has my respect. I also share the appreciation of most people for her inaugural address, which I found reflective, generous, socially conscious, down-to-earth, and appropriately gentle in tone.

Eddie Holt (Television Review, November 15th) takes issue with the President's "rudely trenchant reference to `a wonderful millennium gift to the Child of Bethlehem, whose 2000th birthday we will soon celebrate'." I find his comment offensive, vulgar, somewhat bitter, and seriously lacking in tolerance of a person's honestyheld religious beliefs.

It is interesting that he conveniently avoided reference to the President's invitation to those of faith, whatever that faith may be, to pray for her and our country.

Maybe Eddie Holt needs to come closer to the edge! - Yours, etc.,


Blackberry Rise, Portmarnock, Co Dublin.