Sir, - As a group of leaders from different traditions, we are uniting our voices in an urgent appeal to all who profess to follow Christ in this island, North and South.
We are faced with the real possibility of another summer of violent confrontation which could well lead to a serious escalation of civil strife. Lach of us has an inescapable responsibility before God to take what action we can now to promote the development of mutual understanding and healing within our local communities. We need a profound change of heart, a painful facing up to historical and present realities in our relationships together as Christians on this island.
Political intervention alone cannot provide those new ways of living together in mutual harmony which we sorely need to find. We believe that each individual Christian, from whatever church background, can make a valuable contribution to the healing of our divided society.
As Christians, our most powerful action, undergirding all our other initiatives, is concerted and persistent prayer. God answers prayer. We therefore urge Christians in every locality to take the initiative now in arranging to meet in small groups in one another's homes, or in larger gatherings, to call upon God for mercy and healing for us, His divided people, that He might glorify His Name in this land by making us a testimony to His reconciling and restoring power.
In particular, we call upon all followers of Christ, from whatever tradition to join in the Week of Prayer for our Land which is being led from St Anne's Cathedral in Belfast from Monday June 30th to Saturday July 5th, from 9.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. daily. We ask that on each day of this week groups of Christians gather together in every locality to join their hearts in repentance and concerted prayer for God's intervention in our land. (Leaflets suggesting daily topics for prayer are available from Rev David Jardine, 37 Donegall Street. Belfast BT1 2PL). Yours, etc.,
Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin.
(On behalf of: Fr Pat Collins, Dublin; Fr Oliver Crilly, Strabane; Rev David Jardine, Belfast: Rev Cecil Kerr, Rostrevor. Rev Dr Trevur Morrow.)