Pioneer of the smoking ban

Sir, – Regarding the comprehensive profiling of movers and shakers in the implementation of the smoking ban compiled by Patrick Freyne (March 22nd), the omission of the one person without whom none of it would have been possible was regrettable.

Most of the parties mentioned came in at a time when a glimmer of reputation or career enhancement was becoming possible through supporting the change. In contrast, the prime mover, Brian Timmons, had to fight much opposition and ridicule. He was probably risking his reputation and career when he devised, and acted on, the original idea, based on effects on his own health and additional research about damage from smoking in general.

As a civil servant in lower management in 1991/1992, he got the crucial igniting motion to introduce a voluntary code of non-smoking in civil service offices, passed through his union, the PSEU (Public Service Executive Union). This was the first step of the journey described. Only after that point did the idea catch on elsewhere.

Where completion of the public record in respect of this topic is concerned, it would be a pity for the heroic pivotal contribution of Brian Timmons to the roll-out of the smoking ban to go unacknowledged. Yours etc,



Ashfield Rise,


Co Dublin