Sir, - On Monday, June 2nd, my daily paper, the Guardian, published a photograph which reduced me, and I am sure every parent of a handicapped child, to tears. The sight of nine year old Christopher Taylor crying in his wheelchair at his father's funeral surely highlighted the depths to which the Troubles have sunk.
The prime worry in the lives of my husband and myself is the long term future of our much loved youngest son, who has cerebral palsy. My heart goes out to the Taylor family, particularly Christopher, who must surely feel the light has gone out of their lives.
So to the loyalists I say, as a citizen of the UK: stop! - no way have you a mandate for such barbarity. Equally, as a Roman Catholic, I say to the nationalists: stop! - neither have you a mandate to condone barbarity. Surely there are enough parents in Northern and Southern Ireland to put a stop to all this? - Yours, etc.,