Sir, - Kathryn Holmquist's article on the danger of flu epidemics (Weekend, August 21st) made chastening reading, especially as regards the ability of bacteria to develop resistance to antibiotics. Because of this many people try to boost their own immune systems through the use of vitamins, supplements, and natural products such as Echinacea, bought over the counter in health stores.
People may not be aware of moves afoot by the Irish Medicines Board to drastically restrict our ability to do this through a draconian drive to bring these products under medical control, cancelling their current over-the-counter status. While regulation is always necessary, it should be directed at proper targets, not at products which have proved safe and reliable and are regarded as indispensable by many of us. - Yours, etc.,
Gabrielle McAuley, Aylesbury, Dublin 24.