Sir, - From start to finish the Sheedy affair reeked with the stench of political intrigue, almost exclusively involving people connected with Fianna Fail. Conveniently, the attendant resignations ensured that the furore died down without too much being revealed through embarrassing impeachment proceedings.
In these circumstances it is almost inconceivable that such shrewd operators as Messrs Ahern and McCreevy would, without the most compelling reason, deliberately resurrect this controversy by making such an ill-judged and inappropriate appointment. Could it be that the Sheedy affair was not the only case of its kind and that what happened was merely par for the course where people of "good family" found themselves in trouble with the law? Was there a fear that something even more politically damaging might emerge?
One way or the other, confidence in our judicial system has been severely shaken and until such time as the lid is lifted on every aspect of this entire affair, people will continue to believe that there is one law for the rich and well-connected and another for everyone else. - Yours, etc.,
M.D. Kennedy, Silchester Park, Glenageary, Co Dublin.