No escort service on Aer Lingus

Madam, - Who the hell is the mean-spirited bean-counter at Aer Lingus who has decided to terminate the escort service for unaccompanied…

Madam, - Who the hell is the mean-spirited bean-counter at Aer Lingus who has decided to terminate the escort service for unaccompanied minors travelling to and from Ireland?

Does he or she realise the hardship and heartbreak this is causing for many, probably already cash-strapped, separated families? And this is despite the fact that when the service existed, Aer Lingus insisted that we had to pay full adult fares to cover the extra cost involved in providing this service for our children.

Just how much does it cost to get a staff member to walk from the check-in to the boarding gate? Come on, Aer Lingus, you national semi-State carrier; now that you are back in profit, where is your Christmas spirit?

Are you going to cherish the children of the land equally? - Yours, etc.,



Rathgar Road,

Dublin 6.