A chara, – It was to my horror, but not surprise, that I read allowance cuts will affect only new entrants to the public service (“Only new teachers will not be paid allowances” September 19th), similar to wage cuts. Yet no outcry from the unions on this issue, in comparison to their vehement opposition to even discussing increments.
If we are to hope for a new Ireland that works for the benefit of everyone, a fair Ireland that rebukes the cronyism and selfishness that broke a booming country, then we need leaders. Yet in both the Dáil and unions, all we have are middle-aged men running the country for the benefit of themselves and their peers. The recession isn’t affecting everyone equally, and it will be today’s young, and tomorrow’s, who will really suffer.
It is disgusting to watch decision-makers frantically gathering together their pots of gold, running towards retirement without a backward glance to those coming after them. That image will be their legacy. – Is mise,