Needs of homeless people

Sir, – I appreciate Anthony Murphy (Letters, July 27th) expressing dismay at the threat to volunteer soup kitchens because of "failure" to adhere to guidelines.

Some weeks ago I walked with my son through Grafton Street in Dublin on a Sunday afternoon.

Outside the Disney shop was a stall that catered to dreams of a different kind.

Hot meals, sandwiches, fruit, cool drinks for many. A chance to grab a jacket, shirt or a pair of shoes for a few. All delivered with compassion, humour, goodwill and genuine regard for fellow human beings.


In the queue were men, women, children.

We are told that homeless people should not have to be subjected to a standard less than anyone else.

Perhaps we let the soup kitchens continue. Let everyone collecting a meal or a item of clothing sign a disclaimer that they won’t sue the HSE or anyone else should their hot lasagna prove less than palatable.

Our real failing is not adherence to guidelines but rests in our reluctance to recognise, acknowledge and address the needs of this population. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 4.