Mobile Phone Use

Sir, - As a follow-up to Miriam Delahunt's annoyance at the behaviour of cinema audiences and their use of mobile phones, could…

Sir, - As a follow-up to Miriam Delahunt's annoyance at the behaviour of cinema audiences and their use of mobile phones, could I please add my frustration with the ever-increasing use of mobile phones on the DART?

Thankfully, most commuters with half a brain keep the conversations brief, low-key and as discreet as possible. However, I have noticed an invasion of the loud-mouthed, obnoxious "Everybody-listen-to-me-whether-you-like-it-or-not" individuals who insist on sharing their sad lives with all and sundry. Can I take this opportunity to inform these individuals that we are not interested? I have given up trying to use my walkman as the non-stop phone usage around me renders it useless from interference.

Finally, can I please appeal to the powers-that-be to ban mobile phone usage on trains and instruct passengers to do what I do and switch the damn thing off when they get on! Surely a 10- to 30-minute break to listen to some relaxing music, read a newspaper, do a crossword or just take in the view is more convivial for all concerned than having to endure "Well, Forgus and Doirdre are coming out for a point tonoight" - Yours, etc.,

Michael J. Buckley, Killiney, Co Dublin.