Mobile calls a turn-off on bus

Madam, – I share Brendan Corrigan’s aversion to the “noise” created by mobile-phone users in public places (December 7th), but…

Madam, – I share Brendan Corrigan’s aversion to the “noise” created by mobile-phone users in public places (December 7th), but banning their use would be as effective as King Canute’s efforts to stem the tides.

However, the CIÉ by-laws Order 1996 as applied to Bus Éireann/Dublin Bus provides: “No person while on the vehicle shall sing, perform on any musical or other instruments or use any audible radio, television, record player, tape recorder or portable apparatus.” Surely the last-mentioned item aptly describes a mobile phone? – Yours, etc,


Kilbarrack Gardens,

Dublin 5.