Lyric FM and Limerick

Sir, – Even in normal times, Ireland was informed, entertained, educated and filled with moments of pure joy listening to Lyric FM. Since the pandemic emergency started on March 12th, there would have been many more grey, dispiriting days without the knowledge and dedication of presenters such as Liz Nolan and Bernard Clarke. They certainly give me daily doses of delight, humour, the challenge of the new and the reassurance of the familiar.

The Lyric lease in Limerick expires in December. The stated intention of the RTÉ Board in 2019 was to save money by hauling the station back to Dublin in some sort of reduced format. A committee of advisers was to be convened to decide on the station’s future. It’s not clear if it was, or if they did.

These are not ordinary times. Opening the station in Limerick 20 years ago was rightly noted as an important cultural investment outside Dublin. That is still the case.

Where there’s music there’s hope. – Yours, etc,



Doolin, Co Clare.