Losing the plot

Madam, – Regarding John Smyth’s letter (May 1st), we haven’t lost the plot just misused it

Madam, – Regarding John Smyth’s letter (May 1st), we haven’t lost the plot just misused it. One half is built on, the other used as “set aside”. Hence no local vegetables! – Yours, etc,


Oakpark, Carlow.

Madam, – My wife asked me to buy a tray of large red apples in Tesco. When I got home I saw they bore the label “Produce of China”. The next time I went shopping for them the label said “Produce of Chile”. Surely we grow apples in Ireland?

Even worse than this, my son bought flowers in Sainsbury’s in the North recently and the label said “Grown in Kenya”.

Such imports are at the expense of local jobs and I shudder to think of the environmental impact of transporting these products half way round the world. – Yours, etc,


Stillorgan Wood,

Stillorgan, Co Dublin.