Landlords And Tenants

Sir, - At a time when house prices are beginning to stabilise and some low-paid workers might able to put a roof over their heads…

Sir, - At a time when house prices are beginning to stabilise and some low-paid workers might able to put a roof over their heads, the Government steps in to ensure it will not happen. In the recent budget, landlords who have made millions from low interest rates were given benefits and incentives to purchase whatever property becomes available.

This is disgraceful, as together with previous measures it will result in the reintroduction of a system in Ireland where workers will be unable to buy property and will therefore be at the mercy of landlords.

Our ancestors suffered for generations under such an unjust system and now our Fianna Fβil-led Government is facilitating its return. Modern day Fianna Fβil makes a mockery of its founding members. - Yours, etc.,

Paddy Hughes, Bird Avenue, Dublin 14.