John Waters And Misogyny

Sir, - I was shocked by the letter from Kieran Healy ("Chronic Misogyny", October 29th)

Sir, - I was shocked by the letter from Kieran Healy ("Chronic Misogyny", October 29th). I have read John Waters' column regularly for the last five years. I do not always agree with his observations and advocacy of "men's rights", but I cannot recall a single instance where the charge of misogyny could be fairly levelled at him.

What was most disturbing about Mr Healy's letter was its personal viciousness. There appeared to be almost a joyous expectation of Mr Waters having a heart attack in the near future. This I found unacceptable.

Given the personal nature of this attack on your columnist, I am surprised that you published it. - Yours, etc., Phil MacGiollabhain,

Letterkenny, Co. Donegal.