Sir, - As reported in your edition of October 3rd, Mr Brian O'Shea, owner of Killarney Lakeland self-catering cottages, recently refused to accept a booking from an Israeli citizen with the explanation: "I don't agree with Sharon and what he is doing to the Palestinians."
I wonder if Mr O'Shea would render a similar declination to an American citizen if he didn't agree with President Bush and what he proposes to do to the Iraqis? - Yours, etc.,
EDWARD D. RAFFERTY, Grogan's Road, Wexford.
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Sir, - Kevin Myers's Irishman's Diary of Tuesday, October 8th was spot on.
We need more journalists to write like this. - Yours, etc.,
PATRICK BEWLEY, Dalkey, Co Dublin.
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Sir, - My sympathy goes out to the Israeli journalist Mr Arik Bender and his family who was refused accommodation for his 2003 holiday in Co Kerry. But at the same time one has to respect Mr Brian O'Shea's refusal in not wishing to have them stay in his self-catering cottages. He is merely making a statement as to what he thinks is the unjust treatment of Palestinians. Yet Mr Arik Bender is attempting to make it an anti-Israeli matter, which in itself is simplifying a complicated issue.
After all, Israel has violated about 30 international treaties, including the Geneva Convention, committing war crimes and crimes against humanity, denying health care to civilians, expelling Palestinians and demolishing their homes, denying water and education, torturing and making refugees of people in their own country.
I think it is these issues that Mr O'Shea is considering, and not what Mr Bender suggests when he writes to tourist organisations and asks: "Is it your policy not to accept Israelis, or maybe it is because we are Jews?" As human beings we can't be gagged for having views. Perhaps Mr O'Shea felt he couldn't fulfil his duties as a host and at least was honest enough to state what he was thinking and feeling.
I think the anti-Israeli branding is a tool which is too frequently used to stifle what are legitimate objections to Israeli actions and policies. - Yours, etc.,
MARK O'REILLY, Morehapton Road, Dublin 4.