Sir, - You describe (April 29th) the discomfort caused to "Barney the Dinosaur" fans by "the dirty floor that was covered in …

Sir, - You describe (April 29th) the discomfort caused to "Barney the Dinosaur" fans by "the dirty floor that was covered in sweets, drinks and other people's rubbish."

But it is all of us covering the whole planet, land and sea and air, with our sewage, fertilisers and land mines, our rubbish, radiation and roads. At the going rate we are heading for extinction, like the dinosaurs long before us. Thousands of years hence the young of some mutant species lucky enough to survive our lethal legacy, may perhaps marvel at funny animated replicas of "Barney the human".

Let's not be(come) dinosaurs. Let's tread more lightly on the earth. Let's clean up our act! - Yours, etc.,



Harbour View, Bantry.