Sir, - I have been little short of amazed at Dermot Gilleece's - coverage of the golf over the past few days. From the end of last Saturday's play he wrote a piece on the semi-final, then presumably on Saturday or early Sunday morningwrote the bones of Monday's front page article, leaving space for quotes, etc., and another piece in case Clarke was beaten.
A report on the actual game must have been written as play was progressing and another one on the top Irish money-winners written somewhere in between.Add in quotes to be collected after the game, presentation and sending it oft~ all of which must have been against a deadline which could not have been morethan an hour or two after the last putt dropped, presumably working a lap-top modem mobile phone and any other technology required. Collecting enough material for Tuesday's paper before everyone left was another small detail. Getting the facts right is taken for granted. He must also have slept, eaten and travelled to and from his hotel and kept track of the check in time for his own flight.
Perhaps next year you might ask him to take the photographs as well. For God's sake, give him a week or two off and don't dare to question his expenses. -Yours, etc.,
Terry Purcell, Oak Court Grove, Dublin 20.