Madam, – A number of slights directed at the GAA and Gaelic games have appeared on your pages in recent weeks. These slights have even included an absurd comparison between soccer and hurling/Gaelic football.
Chatting with a group of other Irish-Americans recently, there was agreement that any 10 minutes of the worst GAA national league game is more exciting than the highlights of the World Cup finals.
Not only are the games spectacular – hurling is truly the world’s greatest sport – but the athletes who play them and the (mostly) volunteers who comprise the GAA,are the most decent, low key, best ambassadors any country could have.
After so much negativity about the games being in trouble, this year’s hurling and football championships show the games are as exciting as ever and those who play them more skilled than at any time in history. – Yours, etc,
Madam, – It’s nice that the four provincial champions can spend the rest of the summer celebrating their achievements without having to worry about All-Ireland semi-finals or the final. – Yours, etc,