Expensive Ireland

Madam, - You were kind enough recently to publish a letter of mine drawing attention to unfair comparisons under the heading "…

Madam, - You were kind enough recently to publish a letter of mine drawing attention to unfair comparisons under the heading "rip-off Ireland!" in which I demonstrated that your correspondents were not comparing like with like.

The heading of the correspondence has now changed to "Expensive Ireland" - a bit nearer the mark because of (a) the success of our trades unions in negotiating high wage levels and (b) successive Ministers for Finance in imposing high taxes. However, the ultimate in unfair comparisons was surely that of Marie-Claire Walsh (August 14th) who seems to think a "well known Dublin café" should supply mineral water at or below the price in a supermarket in Mallorca.

On a recent trip to Devon I found myself paying for petrol and other items in pence sterling what I would pay in cents here. Yes, we are expensive in many ways, but please (a) shop around and (b) compare like with like. - Yours, etc.,

W.J. MURPHY, Malahide, Co Dublin.