Sir, - I refer to recent reports regarding the availability of European Union funding in Ireland

Sir, - I refer to recent reports regarding the availability of European Union funding in Ireland. The Minister for European Affairs, Mr Gay Mitchell TD, has asked me to point out that a comprehensive guide to all sources of EU funding is available, free of charge, from his office.

The guide gives details of how much funding is available, and the names of officials in various government departments and agencies who can be contacted for further information on each scheme. Over 30,000 copies of the guide have already been circulated to the main financial institutions, various representative organisations and the public library system.

Copies of this free EU funding guide are available by writing to the secretary, Communicating Europe. Government Buildings, Dublin 2 or by phoning the Government Information Services at (01) 662442 - Yours etc.

Senior press officer,


Government Information


Department of the Taoiseach,

Government Buildings, Dublin