ESRI report highlights need for political leadership

Madam, – Where is the confidence and vigour that Bertie Ahern brought to Fianna Fáil? The new leader, Brian Cowen, appears to…

Madam, – Where is the confidence and vigour that Bertie Ahern brought to Fianna Fáil? The new leader, Brian Cowen, appears to be in deep shock since the No-to-Lisbon bombshell landed on his lap. And now, with the latest ESRI report stating the obvious – that the country has entered a period of recession – his trusted lieutenant, Brian Lenihan, sees fit to voice his self-pity in public.

The new Fianna Fáil that has emerged since Mr Cowen became Taoiseach is not a pretty sight. The party seems confused and rudderless without the steadying hand of its one true leader.

With all due respect to Brian Cowen’s ministerial experience, he has little or no charisma, and seems utterly incapable of rising to the challenges that now confront the people of Ireland. The air of helpless despondency is palpable and requires urgent action at the highest level. Yet all we get from the new Taoiseach is a shrug of the shoulders and a look of bewilderment.

With our stock in Europe at a new low, our country is indeed headed for uncharted waters. There will be no hand-outs this time. We waived our right to a sympathetic hearing. The once wide-eyed admiration of our European neighbours has turned to a realisation that much of our population had merely become beggars on horseback.


The country is crying out for real leadership – but who can fill the void? – Yours, etc,


The Demesne,


Dublin 5.