Enda's choice of Irish art

Madam, – I refer to your article “Beautiful and brave adorn Kenny’s office”, (Michael Parsons, June 13th) which shows that Enda…

Madam, – I refer to your article “Beautiful and brave adorn Kenny’s office”, (Michael Parsons, June 13th) which shows that Enda Kenny has decked out his office with works of visual art that represent the past rather than the present. I assume he has no computer or word processor, maybe not even a typewriter, just a quill pen? These chosen images, good as they are in their own right, do not reflect the modern Ireland that Mr Kenny and his Government are at pains to project to business, Europe and, dare I say, the IMF. They project an image of where we have come from and not where we are going. – Yours, etc,



Cloonlara, Co Clare.