Eighth Amendment and the election

Sir, – Some readers (Letters, February 24th) have taken issue with my claim that all the TDs who campaigned for and voted in favour of retaining the Eighth Amendment were re-elected in the recent general election. In the final-stage vote in the Dáil on the Government’s abortion Bill in 2018, only 15 TDs opposed the Bill and voted against abortion. All 15 were returned to the Dáil in the recent election.

It is correct that other members of the last Dáil also opposed abortion at various stages and spoke eloquently in defence of life, but the members referred to in my letter (February 20th) were the 15 TDs who were present in the Dáil and voted against abortion in the final vote.

Against the odds and the predictions of many commentators, they prevailed and were re-elected.

It is an achievement certainly worthy of special mention. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 4.