Sir - I would like to respond to Mr Finian McGrath's letter of August 28th, regarding consultation on the Dublin Port Tunnel …

Sir - I would like to respond to Mr Finian McGrath's letter of August 28th, regarding consultation on the Dublin Port Tunnel project. The tunnel is an essential infrastructural element of the Dublin Transportation Initiative (DTI) strategy. This is an integrated strategy of infrastructural and policy initiatives which has to be implemented fully to achieve the objectives set by the DTI.

This package includes quality bus corridors, LRT lines, completion of the motorway C-ring, extensions to the Dart, and additional cycleways, among other measures. It is important also to recall that the DTI strategy was itself only formulated after extensive public consultation.

During the preparation of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Dublin Port Tunnel, Dublin Corporation and its consultants, GEoconsult Arup JV, carried out one of the most comprehensive public consultations ever undertaken in this country. This process has included public exhibitions at a number of local venues, newspaper advertisements, newsletters, meetings and a telephone "hot line". The EiS has been prepared in conformity with the 1993 Roads Act, which incorporates the requirements of EC Directive 85/337/EEC and is in accordance with the EPA draft guidelines. The main route alternatives are outlined, and the reasons are given for choosing the proposed route (the modified A6 route).

The published EIS document has been provided, free of charge, to all known residents' associations along the route, as well as being available in local libraries and in the Civic Offices. The display period for the EIS has been extended to facilitate the public in making submissions to the Minister for the Environment.


The consultative group set up on foot of a decision of the City Council is in place to facilitate two way communication between Dublin Corporation and the residents on all aspects of the proposal. Each residents' association is invited to send one representative to every meeting, all members of the City Council and all TDs for the areas are invited and different professional Corporation staff attend, depending on the topics for discussion - topics which are selected by the group. The group is a consultation forum without a fixed membership, not - it must be stressed - a decision making committee: the concept of a chairman does not therefore arise. Six meetings have already been held since the publication of the EIS.

The project must pass through a number of statutory processes involving further extensive consultation. Any decision to vary the 1991 Dublin City Development Plan can only be taken by the elected members after a minimum statutory public consultation phase of three months. Furthermore, the motorway scheme for the project will be the subject of a public inquiry and will be ultimately assessed by the Minister for the Environment. Any interested party can make a submission to the Minister for consideration at this inquiry.

Accordingly, I find it difficult to see how Mr McGrath can dispute the level of consultation and local democracy, when ample opportunity has existed, and will continue to exist, for people to have their views considered. - Yours, etc.,

Project engineer,

Dublin Corporation,

Dublin Port Tunnel,

Project Office,

ESB Polefield,

East Wall Road, Dublin 3.