Disadvantaged Republicans

Madam, - Now that Kevin Myers has apologised for employing the term "bastard", should he not abase himself too for his use of…

Madam, - Now that Kevin Myers has apologised for employing the term "bastard", should he not abase himself too for his use of the term "criminal" in relation to another much put-upon group of vulnerable people - the disadvantaged of the Republican movement?

Mr Myers has, of late, laid into this excluded band unmercifully in a most offensive manner. Their ways of extracting money may be irregular, but should they be blamed for pursuing an unpopular lifestyle and suffer marginalisation at the hands of such as Mr Myers, who would pathologise their mission to evacuate language of meaning and rid the land of liberal fundamentalism?

How does he think their mothers feel? - Yours, etc.,

EUGENE O'SULLIVAN, Torquay Road, Foxrock, Dublin 18.