Dealing with dyslexia

Madam, - Congratulations to Louise Holden on her excellent piece on dyslexia (Education Today, May 11th)

Madam, - Congratulations to Louise Holden on her excellent piece on dyslexia (Education Today, May 11th). The fees charged by psychologists are completely unaffordable by those on low incomes: another example of buying your education.

At the recent conference of the Independent Workers Union a motion was passed requesting that the Department of Education implement the task force recommendations on dyslexia. This would help improve the educational opportunities of thousands of school-going children from working-class backgrounds who are also dyslexic.

All the pious rhetoric spouted by politicians about educational disadvantage can be put to the test in the forthcoming local and European elections, when parents can insist on a level playing field for all children with dyslexia. - Yours, etc.,

MICHAEL O'DONNELL, Cork Individual Tuition, St Patrick's Hill, Cork.