Compensation For Road-Building

Sir, - Not content with the tourism industry being dragged to its knees through the imposition of foot-and-mouth disease precautions…

Sir, - Not content with the tourism industry being dragged to its knees through the imposition of foot-and-mouth disease precautions, farmers are now trying to obstruct all commerce through their policy of non-cooperation with the roads development plan.

Why did we, the non-farming community, give up our sports (domestic and international), restrict our recreational travel, sit at Border crossings for hours and slosh our feet in disinfectant? Perhaps we are stupid to expect anything (even gratitude) in return. Perhaps we should set up the INFA (Irish Non-Farmers Association) and whine the same tune as the IFA: "We don't care about you or the consequences, WE WANT MORE COMPENSATION." - Yours, etc.,

P. O'Shea, Coolock, Dublin 5.